OPSEC Training: Risks in Consumer Devices
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Course Description

Our world is more connected than ever before, with consumer devices playing a central role in both our personal and professional lives. However, with the conveniences offered by these devices come risks, which is why OPSEC (Operations Security) awareness is critical for anyone operating in sensitive environments, including government employees, military members, and private sector professionals.

The "OPSEC Risks in Consumer Devices" course provides a comprehensive understanding of the threats posed by personal electronics and the countermeasures that can be taken to mitigate these risks. This course will take you on a journey, examining how personal electronics—smartphones, tablets, smartwatches—continually generate data, fueling a vast commercial ecosystem of data collection, sale, aggregation, and exploitation.

This web-based course is not just about awareness; it provides practical training designed to empower decision-makers to understand and mitigate the risks associated with these devices. We delve into the issues of insider abuse, criminal resale, and data breaches that plague an underregulated system, highlighting the need for comprehensive operations security (OPSEC) measures.

The course covers the essential aspects of OPSEC process and program development, focusing on strategies to protect unclassified information that can, when aggregated, pose significant threats to operational security. The training equips you with the tools and strategies to ensure safe and successful operations within an increasingly connected world.

Throughout the course, we will examine various case studies, presenting real-world scenarios that demonstrate the basic need for OPSEC awareness and the risks posed by a lack of adequate measures. As part of the course, you will learn to identify critical information and how to implement effective countermeasures, ensuring the personal safety of DOD employees, contractors, and others who might be affected by potential data breaches.

This OPSEC training is designed for a wide audience, including government employees, military members, and private sector professionals tasked with protecting sensitive information. With a passing score on the final assessment, participants will demonstrate a thorough understanding of OPSEC risks in consumer devices and the strategies required to mitigate these risks.

Whether you are part of the military, a private organization, or a government institution, our course will arm you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the landscape of modern digital technology securely. Equip yourself with the OPSEC awareness needed to maintain successful operations in today's data-driven world.

Who Should Take This OPSEC Training?

This course, "OPSEC Risks in Consumer Devices," is designed to be a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to protect their operations from the risks posed by consumer electronics in today's hyper-connected world. This includes:

  • Military Members: Understanding OPSEC is crucial for those serving in the military. This training will provide in-depth knowledge on the risks associated with personal electronics and how to maintain operational integrity in an increasingly digital battlefield.

  • Government Employees: For those working in government sectors, where handling sensitive data is a part of daily operations, this course will equip them with strategies to protect unclassified yet critical information.

  • Private Sector Professionals: Cyber threats are not limited to military and government sectors. Private organizations are equally at risk. IT professionals, security managers, and decision-makers in these organizations would greatly benefit from understanding the risks and learning the mitigation strategies offered in this course.

  • Contractors and DoD Employees: Contractors and DoD employees handling sensitive data should also consider this course. Protecting critical information is key to ensuring personal safety and the successful operation of their tasks.

  • Cybersecurity Enthusiasts: Lastly, anyone interested in the field of cybersecurity and seeking to broaden their understanding of modern-day threats and defenses would find this course highly informative and engaging.

Example Course Schedule:

Day 1: Introduction to Operations Security (OPSEC) and Consumer Devices

We begin our course with a basic introduction to Operations Security (OPSEC). Participants will learn about the different types of consumer devices and the potential risks they pose. Real-life cases where lack of OPSEC awareness led to security breaches will be discussed, offering participants an understanding of the severity and potential repercussions of these threats.

Day 2: Understanding the Threat Landscape

On Day 2, we delve deeper into the threat landscape, focusing on the various threats presented by personal devices. We discuss how data collection, exploitation, and commercial sale can compromise security, using real-world examples to illustrate the breadth and complexity of these threats.

Day 3: Risks of Data Aggregation and Exposure

Day 3 focuses on the risks related to data aggregation and exposure. Participants will learn how seemingly unimportant pieces of information can pose significant risks when aggregated. We will also cover insider threats and criminal resale of data, highlighting the importance of maintaining operations security (OPSEC) at all levels.

Day 4: Resource Allocation and Mitigation Strategies for Safe and Successful Operations

On Day 4, we delve into mitigation strategies and the efficient allocation of resources. We explore various countermeasures and best practices to protect data. Additionally, we'll discuss how to allocate resources effectively for OPSEC, keeping in mind the basic needs and the size of an organization.

Day 5: Creating and Implementing an OPSEC Plan

On the final day of the course, we cover the creation and implementation of an OPSEC plan. Participants will learn how to identify critical information, develop countermeasures, and incorporate their new knowledge into an effective operations security (OPSEC) plan. We end the course with a review session and a final assessment, ensuring participants can apply their new skills in their professional environments.

About Boston Cybernetics Institute

Boston Cybernetics Institute, PBC was created by former MIT Lincoln Lab cybersecurity researchers to give meaningful niche cyber instruction to a new generation of cybersecurity professionals.


We avoid the normal style of teaching with PowerPoint and lectures, opting to provide instead real-life engaging instruction that takes place in a customized environment. We have given our style of instruction to multiple DoD agencies, US commercial companies, and international companies.


Instructors at Boston Cybernetics Institute

Jeremy Blackthorne.png

Jeremy Blackthorne

President of the Boston Cybernetics Institute

Jeremy Blackthorne is a Lead Instructor at the Boston Cybernetics Institute (BCI). Before BCI, he was a researcher in the Cyber System Assessments group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Blackthorne is the co-creator and instructor for the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) courses: Modern Binary Exploitation, Spring 2015 and Malware Analysis, Spring 2013. ​Jeremy has published research at various academic and industry conferences. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps and is an alumnus of RPISEC. He holds a BS and MS in computer science. ​ Blackthorne was an active member of the Student Security Club and CTF team, RPISEC, from 2012 to 2015, where he taught seminars on Reverse-Engineering, Exploitation, and various other Cybersecurity topics.


Clark Wood

security researcher and instructor

Clark Wood is a security researcher and instructor at the Boston Cybernetics Institute (BCI), focusing on Reverse Engineering, Exploitation, and CI/CD. He recently built a Reverse-Engineering and Exploitation platform for a DoD customer and is the Lead Engineer for BCI’s Government Services. Clark was formerly on the technical staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory where he was a member of the Cyber System Assessments Group. ​Clark holds a BA in Economics from the University of Florida, a BS and MS in Computer Science from Florida State University, and a Master’s in Technology and Policy from MIT. ​


Rodolfo Cuevas

security researcher and instructor

Rodolfo Cuevas is a security researcher and instructor at BCI, where he focuses on understanding how design constraints can be used to limit the impact of an attacker on a system. His research combines the adversarial mindset with approaches influenced by Systems and Control Theory. ​ Rodolfo was a staff member at MIT Lincoln Laboratory and began his career as a RADAR and Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) analyst. Later, Rodolfo transitioned to evaluating and Red-Teaming tactical and commercial cyber systems in support of DoD and other government programs. ​ Rodolfo holds a BS, M.Eng., and M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University.


Reed Porada

security researcher and instructor

Reed Porada is a security researcher and instructor at BCI, focused on getting to the "so what" of both defensive and offensive cyber measures. Reed also leads BCI training in Cyber Systems Analysis, focusing on developing systems-thinking skills of developers up to managers. ​Reed was a staff member at MIT Lincoln Laboratory for ten years, where he was responsible for Test and Evaluation, Test Automation Research, Red-Teaming of Cyber Systems, and Blue System Architectures. Reed was a computer scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory focused on wireless communication systems. He holds a BS in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, College Park and an MS in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.

OPSEC Training: Risks in Consumer Devices

Securing Personal Electronics in the Digital Age



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